Our Environmental Policy

As ERKUL KOZMETİK SANAYİ VE TİCARET A.Ş, in order to leave a sustainable and more livable environment for future generations, in which the ecological balance is not disturbed during our production, services and activities, within the scope we defined in the Environment Manual;

It has been adopted as our general point of view to ensure that the environment is affected at the minimum level by all the effects that arise or may arise from the products, services and activities of our company and to ensure continuous improvement in terms of environment.



Complying with all respective legislations, other requirements and ISO 14001 standard in relation to environmental aspects in our activities, services and products,

Identifying the environmental dimensions of the risks that might be posed by the manufacture or other activities of ours and that might lead to environmental pollution and taking preventive measures against them by assessing their effects on the environment,

Preventing pollution at its source by taking the impact of solid, liquid and gas wastes on the environment into consideration and by looking into the opportunities of re-using, recovering and recycling our wasted produced in the course of our activities,

Ensuring the active participation of external suppliers, sub-contracted and our employees in the improvement-development activities with the trainings held and thus preventing waste of natural resources and bringing about an environmental approach,

Using environmentally friendly and recyclable chemicals and materials in new product designs and taking the environmental aspect into consideration in determining the manufacturing processes,

Taking precautionary measures to minimize environmental damage in case of an accident or emergency that may harm the environment, making the required human resources and equipment and appliances available by establishing action plans and raising an awareness amongst the personnel by carrying out planned and unplanned drills,

Keeping our policies available for public scrutiny.

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